How to Raise Sustainability Awareness in Your Community

These days, it’s more important to raise sustainability awareness than ever before. A couple of decades ago, climate change was nothing more than an interesting topic for the far-flung future; today, it’s an urgent global matter – and Australia is no exception! While the degree to which we utilise renewable energy sources is steadily growing, the efforts in that department definitely need to increase. Which is precisely what we’re about to address right here, by providing a general overview of striving towards increased awareness. Raising Sustainability Awareness Luckily for Planet Earth, people are more aware of the urgency related to …

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Sustainable Alternatives To Everyday Items We All Use

As we all know, our planet has a limited amount of resources, and unfortunately, we still aren’t able to go and live on Mars. That’s why it seems that we see a story about new things killing the Earth every day. Posters of things that we shouldn’t use are everywhere along with the pictures of polluted beaches and rivers. Of course, we all want to do our part in reducing the carbon footprint, but that’s not always easy. We don’t want to lose functionality and convenience that some items provide. Luckily, now we don’t have to. Sustainable alternatives to everyday …

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5 Ways to Make Your Business Sustainable

A business can either fail or succeed. Its outcome greatly depends on the consistency of the business in social, financial and environmental aspects. The ability to make your business sustainable comes from the effort of these three elements. In addition, we place the focus on the environmental aspects as your business’ sustainability depends on how eco-friendly it really is. What is Sustainability in Business? In order for a business to be consistent, it needs to assemble traction right from the start. With steady traction going forward you can make your business sustainable. A setback here and there is completely normal, …

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Ways to Make Your Daily Routine Eco-Friendly

If you sit down and think about it, we live in somewhat crazy times. We cause irreversible damage to our environment, while being eco-friendly has never been easier. In fact, we are going to give you a couple of ways to make your daily routine eco-friendly just to show you how easy it really is. And, with any luck, some of you will implement these little changes and make our environment that much better. Easy ways to make your daily routine eco-friendly The great thing about the ways in which you can make your daily routine eco-friendly is that they …

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Hotels Embracing Renewable Energy

The first two decades of the 21st century have brought a plethora of changes to the world of energy, on a global scale. Sure, the effects of energy pollution on climate change have been apparent to both the scientific community and the wider public for ages. However, it’s only recently that both countries and large corporate entities have truly seen the need to go green in order to save the planet from negative climate change and actually started working on it. You’ll find this idea in basically all industries – and, perhaps not quite obviously – the tourism sector. If …

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Sustainable Energy at Home: Tips and Tricks

Are you looking for ways to make your home more environmentally friendly? Then sustainable energy at home is just what you need. The benefits of renewable energy for the environment are more than obvious. However, not only will you be doing something good for the nature, but you can also save yourself some money. With the source of sustainable energy at home, you can significantly reduce your utility bills. Maybe even eliminate them completely. Even though installing renewables can be costly at the beginning, in the long run, it’s an investment that pays off. Additionally, states offer tax incentives to …

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The 2020 National Sustainability Conference Has Been Announced

Taking place from 27-28 April in the form of an online conference, the 2020 National Sustainability Conference is set to attract the biggest audience yet. ‘Sustainable Solutions for a New Decade’ is the theme for our 2020 conference, designed to inform you on the latest developments, research and insight in economic, environmental and community sustainability. This all-encompassing learning experience will provide you with the tools and knowledge needed to reach development goals and increase the economic and environmental standing of your business. Get Involved Applications are now open for presenters wishing to showcase their research, experience or working developments in …

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What are the Benefits of Renewable Energy Use?

Renewable energy, or clean energy, comes for natural processes that are regularly replenished. For example – sunlight and wind. The sun keeps shining and the wind keeps blowing. Many people think of renewable energy as a new technology, but in fact, we have been using it for a long time for lighting, heating, and transportation. It is true that people have been using cheaper but dirty energy like coal or gas for the last five hundred years. However, now that scientists have found less expensive methods of capturing wind and solar energy, tables are turning. Renewable energy is booming and …

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Practical Ideas For Self-Sustaining Homes

Raising ecological awareness has become imperative in this modern era. It is our responsibility and a great necessity to advocate and apply eco-friendly practices in order to stop climate changes, prevent global warming and eventually protect our precious environment. Thus, it does not surprise that self-sustaining homes have gained so much popularity. The idea has been welcomed by an impressive number of people and we can rightfully expect to build a more sustainable world in the near future. So, what are the best practical ideas for self-sustaining homes? Here is a comprehensive answer. Features of self-sustaining homes Self-sustaining homes have …

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These Charts Show Just How Much Forest We’re Losing Every Year

The tropics lost 12 million hectares of tree cover in 2018, the fourth-highest annual loss since record-keeping began in 2001. Of greatest concern is the disappearance of 3.6 million hectares of primary rainforest, an area the size of Belgium. The figures come from updated data from the University of Maryland, released today on Global Forest Watch. Old growth, or “primary” tropical rainforests, are a crucially important ecosystem, containing trees that can be hundreds or even thousands of years old. They store more carbon than other forests and are irreplaceable when it comes to sustaining biodiversity. Primary rainforests provide habitat for animals ranging from orangutans and mountain gorillas to …

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