CSIRO’s Solar Hackathon brings 100 Aussies together to create clean energy startups

With hackathons proving their worth as a way to nurture creativity and spur innovation, CSIRO is getting in on the action, inviting potential clean energy innovators to #hackthesun for $10k in prize money. This will be Australia’s first solar hackathon, with the same model internationally already having produced a number of successful solar startups. The hackathon will present teams with a challenge centring around renewable energy, as part of their goal to continue the conversation around solar and sustainable energy at this crucial time. To run the event, CSIRO has partnered with Silicon Valley-based Powerhouse (formerly SfunCube), a solar-centric incubator …

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Solabat: Solar + Battery Hybrid System

The Solabat project gives new meaning to the term solar + storage – it aims to combine the two on a single device. Researchers at the Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) say they are entering largely unknown scientific territory with the project. While small solar + battery devices are already widely available, the Solabat project is thinking much tighter integration and potentially much bigger – up to full size solar panels such as those used in home solar power installations. “Currently single systems of photovoltaic cells which are connected together – mostly lead-based batteries and vast amounts of cable …

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Companies putting the new in renewable

Based on the vision of a sustainable and resource-efficient future, clean technology is all about minimizing pollution and making the world’s infrastructure energy efficient. Renewable energy, sustainable chemistry, and recycling are just a handful of initiatives the sector focuses on. Last year, the Chinese cleantech market invested over $100 billion in cleantech initiatives. In Australia, cleantech stocks are consistently surpassing the wider market. It’s not just the Asia-Pacific region that’s getting into a tizzy over clean energy. In North America, Canadian businesses are pushing the government to invest in clean innovation and decrease their reliance on fossil fuels. And it’s …

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The quest for the perfect wave for renewable energy is being solved by Australian science

Australia’s search for the perfect wave is being solved with a wave energy atlas. The CSIRO wave atlas project is mapping the wave energy potential of Australia’s vast coastline for renewable wave energy farms. Atlas project leader Dr Mark Hemer said the project found most of Australia’s south west and southern coastline had some of the world’s best wave energy resource. “We’ve just released a development version of the atlas,” he said. “Obviously some people are interested, like the project developers themselves or the device developers, potential financiers, [and] marine planners trying to allocate sections of the marine resource. “We’re …

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Sustainability reporting 101: eight steps to driving business growth

When it comes to sustainability reporting, companies may feel like they’re in an increasingly uncomfortable public-private vice. On one side, consumers and shareholders are pressuring organizations to be better corporate citizens and increase transparency. Governments are establishing more reporting requirements as well, which will inevitably multiply through initiatives such as the recent Sustainable Innovation Forum at COP21. Sustainability makes companies more profitable and more attractive to all stakeholders. In fact, more than 50 percent of consumers prefer purpose-driven brands. Additionally, 86 percent of consumers said they would be more likely to trust a company that reports corporate social responsibility results. …

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Sustainability now simply part of doing business

The term ‘greenwashing’ might be officially outdated. In 2016, the number of companies making unmerited PR splashes over sustainability is far outweighed by those who are taking significant strides forward and not talking about it. When faced with the science of climate change and transparency into corporate accountability in 2016, sustainability is simply part of doing business. Yet many leading companies still shy away from fully embracing their sustainability stories. Excellent, groundbreaking work is happening across the private sector with no-one around to hear. To re-philosophize the old saying … if a tree grows in a deforestation zone, and no …

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Are these the seven most sustainable cities?

Landmarks around the world went dark for Earth Hour last weekend but many cities are making longer term moves towards sustainability. From Hamburg’s coffee pod ban to São Paulo’s ad-free streets – seven cities taking radical steps. Banning coffee pods and bottled water – Hamburg – The north German city has banned single use coffee pods – which are hard (and sometimes impossible) to recycle – in government buildings and other public institutions such as schools and universities. The measure is part of a wider policy to tackle waste which includes a ban on public officials spending taxpayers money on …

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Australia’s sustainability challenge remains

More than 50 years ago Donald Horne, then working in an advertising agency, described Australia as “a lucky country run mainly by second-rate people who share its luck”. The phrase “the lucky country” quickly became part of the language, though its message was often misrepresented. Horne’s 1964 book sounded three loud warnings about Australia’s future: the challenge of our geographical position, the need for “a revolution in economic priorities”, and the need for a discussion of what sort of country we want to become. Those warnings are even more urgent today after 50 years of inaction by our second-rate leaders. …

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Global Geothermal Power Market is Expected to Grow at 11.6% CAGR

The global geothermal power market was estimated at $3,233.5 million in 2015, and it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.6% during 2016 – 2022. The factors driving the growth of the global market include increased government support for geothermal power projects and stringent environment regulations, high capacity factor, and increasing need for energy independence and geopolitical energy security. Asia-Pacific dominated the global geothermal power market in 2015, and it is anticipated to retain its dominance during the forecast period. The geothermal power market in Asia-Pacific is expected to grow, due to high energy demands in the region …

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Sustainable office space makes financial sense

NABERS explained – article written by Andrew Brown Sustainability and business are no longer mortal enemies. On the contrary, more and more enterprises are realising that going ‘green’ makes cold hard economic sense. This overarching trend is borne out by increasing demand for environmentally friendly office space. A recent report by the World Green Building Council argues that the debate surrounding ‘green’ buildings has shifted away from a ‘save the environment’ narrative and now focuses on the financial benefits sustainable offices can provide. It’s no secret that environmentally focused building design can slash ongoing costs associated with lighting, temperature control …

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