Smart Parking for Smart Cities

Traffic congestion caused by vehicle is an alarming problem at a global scale and it has been growing exponentially. Car parking problem is a major contributor and has been, still a major problem with increasing number of vehicles and confined parking spaces in urban cities. Congestion and parking are interrelated since looking for a parking space (called “cruising”) creates additional delays and impairs local circulation. In central areas of large cities cruising may account for 30% of the local circulation as drivers can spend up to 30 minutes on average looking for a parking spot. Smart city concept is a …

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What is Synaptic Urbanism?

Urbanisation is not a new phenomenon. As our species transitioned from migrant hunter-gatherers to farming societies with permanent settlements, we started to build cities as centres of trade. Cities are a product of our natural human state. “The city is a fact in nature, like a cave, a run of mackerel or an ant-heap. But it is also a conscious work of art, and it holds within its communal framework many simpler and more personal forms of art. Mind takes form in the city; and in turn, urban forms condition mind”    Lewis Mumford (from ‘The Culture of Cities’ 1938). The …

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Lowering the Carbon Footprint of Cities while Creating Business Opportunities

The National Sustainability in Business Conference will be held in Brisbane from the 23-24 March 2017. Prof  Deo Prasad, Chief Executive Officer at CRC Low Carbon Living joins us this month to discuss ‘Lowering the Carbon Footprint of Cities while Creating Business Opportunities.’ There is ongoing discussion on future energy mix in cities – from a coal based to renewables.  The long term aspiration may be fine but how do we navigate the transition?  More and more roof top PVs or local area mini-grids, storage – all at households to community to network scale are being explored. What is more certain is …

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Renewable Energy In Cities – IRENA Report

Making up 65 per cent of global energy use and 70 per cent of anthropogenic carbon emissions, cities must play a crucial role in the shift to a low-carbon economy says IRENA. A new report from IRENA focuses on best practice gleaned from thousands of cities around the world making up 60% of global energy demand, demonstrates what is possible and details the sorts of policies required to enable the change. “We have to rethink the entire urban energy landscape, which requires rigorous planning and holistic decision-making,” said Adnan Z. Amin, IRENA Director-General “Renewable energy, combined with energy efficiency, will …

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