Why More People Should Care About Proper Waste Disposal

Most of us regard the topic of waste disposal as important but rather boring, and we often have an “out of sight, out of mind” attitude towards it. While we Australians are generally strict about sorting our rubbish compared to most countries, we now have a full-blown waste disposal crisis on our hands.

The reasons for it are quite complex and real policy changes will have to be done to solve it. In the meantime, we can further reduce the impact of the crisis by being more dutiful in our rubbish segregation and collection.

Here are just a few reasons to care more about waste disposal and removal:

1.) Much of the waste has a real dollar value

Precious metals, plastics, and compostables are often disposed of in a way that makes recovering them for recycling uneconomical, if not impossible. Unfortunately, when rubbish is not sorted correctly, much of it often ends up in facilities overseas, which causes a wide host of problems. By sorting the rubbish properly for removal, you can help the local economy by allowing local facilities to easily recycle and repurpose your refuse. Why More People Should Care About Proper Waste Disposal

2.) Overseas waste disposal creates numerous problems

One unfortunate thing about how we manage waste in Australia is the fact that the most economical way to dispose of many types of waste is to ship them off to countries in the developing world. Transporting the waste overseas puts out a lot of greenhouse gasses and also creates diplomatic friction that destroys our reputation abroad. Today, there are now many countries refusing to take in waste products, which has caused a backlog in our waste disposal capacity.

While not the sole reason for these issues, improper waste disposal at home is a major reason so much of our waste has to be sent to other countries. Not sorting and disposing of rubbish properly greatly raises the cost of recovering different materials, which often means that the most economical way to recycle unsorted rubbish tends to be shipping it overseas to a country that does have the facilities to economically process the rubbish.

3.) Improper waste disposal can wreak havoc on the environment

This is something that one would think would be ingrained in us as children, especially given Australia’s unique ecosystem. While many positive strides have been made in the way we dispose of rubbish, it is still a very real issue, with about 40% of it ending up in landfills where they will likely never be processed into anything of real value ever again.

Animals, especially birds, often make their way to landfills and piles of uncollected rubbish, which are hotbeds of disease and they can spread rubbish and diseases throughout the ecosystem.

4.) Toxic chemicals from improperly disposed waste can get into our drinking water

Contaminated water supplies are a serious issue in Australia, especially in areas that do not have much freshwater to begin with. This is often the result of improperly disposed mining, agricultural and industrial waste but has also happened as a result of domestic and commercial waste not being properly removed as well. As water is essential to our survival, we must remove dangerous waste properly to ensure that water tables are free from contamination.

5.) Our landfills are already filled to crisis levels

There are only 38 landfills in the entire continent of Australia, with nearly all of them filled beyond their designed capacity. This makes it critical that we can recycle as much rubbish as possible, which means proper disposal and removal is key.

6.) Rotting waste can destroy property values

Uncollected refuse can make it significantly harder to sell or rent out property at rates that you would prefer. Not only that, your neighbours will certainly not appreciate having piles of uncollected rubbish in their vicinity.

Visit Local Rubbish Removal to find professional rubbish removal services close to where you live. All you have to do is give your location and fill in the form to get a free quote of rubbish removal prices from services in your area.

Ways to Make Your Daily Routine Eco-Friendly

If you sit down and think about it, we live in somewhat crazy times.

We cause irreversible damage to our environment, while being eco-friendly has never been easier. In fact, we are going to give you a couple of ways to make your daily routine eco-friendly just to show you how easy it really is. And, with any luck, some of you will implement these little changes and make our environment that much better.

Easy ways to make your daily routine eco-friendly

The great thing about the ways in which you can make your daily routine eco-friendly is that they are also good for you. Most of them will not only help you preserve the environment but will also help you lead a healthier, happier life. So, do yourself a favor and at least try a couple of them.

Limit your electronics

The first thing you should do if you want to make your daily routine eco-friendly is to limit your electronics. Every electronic item that you use requires energy. And, since we are still working out the kinks in how to harness solar energy, this means that you are hurting the environment. So, if you really want to go greener, start by putting away your phone and laptop. Limit yourself to only using the electronics when necessary. And, instead of endlessly scrolling on Instagram, go for a run or read a good book.

Going outside to read a book can be a great routine to have.


You cannot talk about keeping your environmental footprint low without considering recycling. The amount of materials that people throw away in western societies is simply staggering. And if there is one thing that different-coloured bins have shown us , it’s that recycling takes very little effort. All you have to do is to sort out your rubbish and put it away accordingly.Ways to Make Your Daily Routine Eco-Friendly - recyclable cups

Eco-friendly containers

But, even before we come to recycling our plastic and cardboard containers, we should consider which ones we use. After all, the biggest amount of plastic in nature comes from containers. So, if you really want to start being eco-friendly, start thinking about the containers that you use. There are numerous eco-friendly options for packing and containing that are quite easy to use. You can, for instance, opt for renting plastic containers and make your relocation that much more eco-friendly. Plus, by getting different coloured bins, you can make unpacking fun for your kids. Not to mention all the different alternatives to plastic grocery bags and cardboard coffee mugs.

Carrying your own coffee cup is a great way to make your daily routine eco-friendly.

The ways in which you can make your everyday containers more eco-friendly are endless. All you need to do is to research them a bit.

Reduce meat

The meat industry is one of the worlds largest contributors to greenhouse gasses. Therefore, if you want to make your daily routine eco-friendly, the way to do so is simple. Reduce the amount of meat that you eat. Most people in western countries eat way more meat than they actually need. And, if you read up a bit more on diet and nutrition, you will see just how important it is that you eat your vegetables and fruit. Try to purchase only local products and make your food at home, if you want to increase your sustainability even more. You don’t have to go vegetarian or vegan. Instead, simply try to have a more balanced diet.

Clean plate

And, while we are on the subject of food, we would also advise you to clean your plate. Another plague of western societies is that we throw away a lot of our food. In fact, about one-third of the food produced in the world gets thrown away. This, form our point of view, is atrocious. But, if you want to make a change, start with your own plate. Make sure that you only prepare enough food consumption and that you don’t throw any away. If everyone would simply do so, the amount of wasted food would be much lower.

Walk or use a bike

Most of us lead quite a sedentary lifestyle. We spend almost all our days sitting, either at work or at home. So, if you want to lead a healthier life, consider cutting your driving time. Not only will you not driving reduce the amount of CO2 that gets into the environment, but you will also do your health a huge benefit. After all, one of the oldest Tibetan proverbs is that the secret to living well and longer is: eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure.Ways to Make Your Daily Routine Eco-Friendly - cycling

Riding a bike is both a great exercise and an easy way to go about.


But, if you do need to take a car to your work, consider carpooling. Carpooling is a great way to not only help the environment but also to make new friends. There are even apps you can download that will help you find people to carpool with. So, doing carpool is easier than ever. All you have to do is have a bit of environmental awareness.

Paperless work

Another way to make your work more eco-friendly is to avoid using paper as much as possible. While there are some eco-friendly alternatives to paper, the best way is simply to avoid using it altogether. After all, we are living in the age of smartphones and high-speed internet. Therefore, there is little reason for you to still base your work on paper documents.

Use your blinds

Having a self-sustaining home is a great way to lead an eco-friendly life. But, it is not the easiest or the cheapest one. So, before you go buying solar panels and making your home more energy sustainable, consider simply using your blinds properly. People waste a lot of energy by keeping their blinds open when they want to cool their homes, and closing them when they want to heat it. Remember, the sun plays a big role in temperature levels, even indoors. So, if you want to reduce your energy wastage, just manage your blinds properly. 

This article was kindly written and contributed by Sally Norton.

Here’s What Happens to Our Plastic Recycling When it Goes Offshore

Last year many Australians were surprised to learn that around half of our plastic waste collected for recycling is exported, and up to 70% was going to China.

So much of the world’s plastic was being sent to China that China imposed strict conditions on further imports. The decision sent ripples around the globe, leaving most advanced economies struggling to manage vast quantities of mixed plastics and mixed paper.

By July 2018, which is when the most recent data was available, plastic waste exports from Australia to China and Hong Kong reduced by 90%. Since then Southeast Asia has become the new destination for Australia’s recycled plastics, with 80-87% going to Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. Other countries have also begun to accept Australia’s plastics, including the Philippines and Myanmar.

But it looks like these countries may no longer deal with Australia’s detritus.

In the middle of last year Thailand and Vietnam announced restrictions on imports. Vietnam announced it would stop issuing import licences for plastic imports, as well as paper and metals, and Thailand plans to stop all imports by 2021. Malaysia has revoked some import permits and Indonesia has begun inspecting 100% of scrap import shipments.

Why are these countries restricting plastic imports?

The reason these countries are restricting plastic imports is because of serious environmental and labour issues with the way the majority of plastics are recycled. For example, in Vietnam more than half of the plastic imported into the country is sold on to “craft villages”, where it is processed informally, mainly at a household scale.

Informal processing involves washing and melting the plastic, which uses a lot of water and energy and produces a lot of smoke. The untreated water is discharged to waterways and around 20% of the plastic is unusable so it is dumped and usually burnt, creating further litter and air quality problems. Burning plastic can produce harmful air pollutants such as dioxins, furans and polychlorinated biphenyls and the wash water contains a cocktail of chemical residues, in addition to detergents used for washing.

Working conditions at these informal processors are also hazardous, with burners operating at 260-400℃. Workers have little or no protective equipment. The discharge from a whole village of household processors concentrates the air and water pollution in the local area.

Before Vietnam’s ban on imports, craft villages such as Minh Khai, outside Hanoi, had more than 900 households recycling plastic scraps, processing 650 tonnes of plastics per day. Of this, 25-30% was discarded, and 7 million litres of wastewater from washing was discharged each day without proper treatment.

These recycling villages existed before the China ban, but during 2018 the flow of plastics increased so much that households started running their operations 24 hours a day.

The rapid increase in household-level plastic recycling has been a great concern to local authorities, due to the hazardous nature of emissions to air and water. In addition, this new industry contributes to an already significant plastic litter problem in Vietnam.

This article was originally published by The Conversation. Click here to read entire article.


Join the discussion on the current challenges, successes and opportunities for Australia’s sustainability practices at the 2019 National Sustainability Conference this April.

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How to Use Queensland’s New Container Recycling Scheme

There are doubts within the waste industry that Queensland’s new recycling scheme can be ready for launch at the start of next month.

From November 1, Queenslanders can claim a 10-cent refund for most plastic drink containers, beer bottles and aluminium cans at one of 232 collection points from Coen to Coolangatta.

The state’s first-ever container exchange refund scheme is run by a not-for-profit company called COEX (Container Exchange) and branded as Containers for Change.

Recycling companies see future recycling business from “cleaner” recycled glass, plastics and cardboard that comes in through the collection depots.

But some large waste lobby groups, represented by the Waste Management Association of Australia, doubt the scheme will be ready in time.

Chief executive officer Gayle Sloan said the rules setting up Queensland’s collection sites kept changing and software to provide the discounts was in dispute.

“To have 230 collection points up and running in 35 days is going to be quite challenging,” she said.

Some collection centres were yet to lodge development applications with local councils to begin operating, she said.

Alby Taylor, a 30-year  corporate executive and the man “working 20 hour days” for COEX on behalf of the Queensland Government, insists it will be ready.

He is the general manager of the Australian Beverages Council and is COEX’s first chairman.

“We are contracted to provide 232 collection points from November 1 and that increases to 306 by the next year,” he said.

How will it work?

Queenslanders can use a simple mobile phone app – Containers for Change – to have the refund credited to their account.

At some counters in major cities and towns they will receive cash across the counter at a collection depot, or choose to receive a refund as a grocery shopping voucher discount.

But there will be variations across the state, which will be divided into 14 different regions.

In addition to getting cash for containers, consumers will be able to choose to donate to a charity.

Sporting groups, community groups, schools and surf lifesaving associations who contract to companies who have won tenders to operate container refund points across the 14 regions will receive the 10 cent deposit.

“They will also receive a portion of the 6 cent handling fee for each container as a fundraising vehicle,” Mr Taylor said.

“Better still, where a sporting or community groups contracts directly with COEX in their own right, they will then receive the 10 cent deposit, plus the full 6 cents from every container.”

According to COEX, more than 500 groups and associations have signed on to join this fundraising phase.

The company is exploring an option where people will be able to join specific fundraising groups using a six-digit code as a way to directly donate to their charity of choice.

This article was originally published by the Sydney Morning Herald. Click here to read entire article.

Want to share your innovative ideas on sustainability?

Abstracts are now open for the 2019 National Sustainability Conference, held from 1-2 April at Hotel Grand Chancellor, Brisbane.

Submit your 300 word abstract for your chance to become a presenter and place yourself before an audience of engaged industry professionals eager to hear your thoughts.

Find out more here.

If We Can’t Recycle It, Why Not Turn Our Waste Plastic Into Fuel?

Australia’s recycling crisis needs us to look into waste management options beyond just recycling and landfilling. Some of our waste, like paper or organic matter, can be composted. Some, like glass, metal and rigid plastics, can be recycled. But we have no immediate solution for non-recyclable plastic waste except landfill.

At a meeting last month, federal and state environment ministers endorsed an ambitious target to make all Australian packaging recyclable, compostable or reusable by 2025. But the ministers also showed support for processes to turn our waste into energy, although they did not specifically discuss plastic waste as an energy source.

The 100% goal could easily be achieved if all packaging were made of paper or wood-based materials. But realistically, plastic will continue to dominate our packaging, especially for food, because it is moisture-proof, airtight, and hygienic.

Most rigid plastic products can only be recycled a few times before they lose their original properties and become non-recyclable. Even in European countries with strict waste management strategies, only 31% of plastic waste is recycled.

Worldwide plastic production is predicted to increase by 3.8% every year until 2030. Flexible, non-recyclable plastic materials are used in an increasing range of applications like packaging, 3D printing, and construction.

We need to expand our range of options for keeping this plastic waste out of landfill. One potential approach is “plastic to energy”, which unlocks the chemical energy stored in waste plastic and uses it to create fuel.

How plastic to energy works

Plastic is made from refined crude oil. Its price and production are dictated by the petrochemical industry and the availability of oil. As oil is a finite natural resource, the most sustainable option would be to reduce crude-oil consumption by recycling the plastic and recovering as much of the raw material as possible.

There are two types of recycling: mechanical and chemical. Mechanical recycling involves sorting, cleaning and shredding plastic to make pellets, which can then be fashioned into other products. This approach works very well if plastic wastes are sorted according to their chemical composition.

Chemical recycling, in contrast, turns the plastic into an energy carrier or feedstock for fuels. There are two different processes by which this can be done: gasification and pyrolysis.

Gasification involves heating the waste plastic with air or steam, to produce a valuable industrial gas mixtures called “synthesis gas”, or syngas. This can then be used to produce diesel and petrol, or burned directly in boilers to generate electricity.

In pyrolysis, plastic waste is heated in the absence of oxygen, which produces mixture of oil similar to crude oil. This can be further refined into transportation fuels.

Gasification and pyrolysis are completely different processes to simply incinerating the plastic. The main goal of incineration is simply to destroy the waste, thus keeping it out of landfill. The heat released from incineration might be used to produce steam to drive a turbine and generate electricity, but this is only a by-product.

Gasification and pyrolysis can produce electricity or fuels, and provide more flexible ways of storing energy than incineration. They also have much lower emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides than incineration.

Currently, incineration plants are viewed as an alternative energy supply source and a modern way of driving a circular economy, particularly in Japan, South Korea and China, where land is valuable and energy resources are scarce. In other countries, although waste incineration is common practice, the debate around human health impacts, supply issues and fuel trade incentives remains unresolved.

This article was originally published by The Conversation. Click here to read the entire piece.

Interested in the future sustainability practices of our cities?

The 2018 Liveable Cities Conference heads to Melbourne this July for two days of inspiring speakers, captivating presentations and a variety of networking activities.

Now in its eleventh year, this Conference will continue to explore the livability of our metropolitan and regional urban centres.

Find out more about this year’s program here.