Steven Marshall welcomes Elon Musk and wants to cut energy costs

Incoming South Australian Premier Steven Marshall says cutting energy costs to business and households is a major priority for his new government, with a $200 million inter-connector fund a centrepiece of his plans to deliver cheaper power. Mr Marshall is also getting on the front foot with a proposal for a $100 million household storage battery fund, which would provide means-tested grants of around $2500 to households with solar panels that want to install home storage batteries. It would cover about 40,000 households. Getting the fund up and running is among the projects earmarked for the first 100 days of …

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Renewable Energy Entrepreneurs

Renewable Energy Entrepreneurs: Why and how to become an Renewable Energy Entrepreneurs is discussed by Isabele Hernandez. The world as we see it is inflicted with agony. Under the clouds of human-inflicted jeopardies, we often tend to forget what kind of natural disasters await us in the coming years. The rising temperature of the atmosphere, unnatural frequency of earthquakes, mass deformities in child-birth – all of these are signs, signs which tell us something is not working right. Scientists and researchers of various subjects agree that human species are consuming their reserve of fossil-energy way too early. The alternate options …

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