The 2012 Association Conference – Taking Care of Business: Sustainable Transformation will be held on the Gold Coast in May.


Ian Berry

The Association for Sustainability in Business Inc. is a Non Government, Not-For-Profit Organisation (IA 38885). The Association is not a lobby group, we aim to educate, and keep our members up to date with the latest trends, information, training and B2B opportunities while encouraging profitability and competitiveness.

The conference program is available on the website and will feature over fifty (50) presenters.

Ian Berry, Sparkenator will open the Conference
A sparkenation is a spark that ignites passion that leads to action that changes what’s normal. The author of Changing What’s Normal, Ian will ignite this conference before, during, and after his presentation.

Online Registration is available on the conference website.

Special Early bird Registration ($675) is available to members of the following organisations;

* Association for Sustainability in Business Inc.
* The International Society of Sustainability Professionals
* The Sustainable Energy Association
* The Australian Association for Environmental Education
* Local Government and Shires Associations
* Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Free wireless internet will be available to all delegates, sponsors, exhibitors and presenters at the conference and free broadband internet access in accommodation rooms. This will assist with B2B information exchange and networking.

Full registration also includes all sessions, morning teas, lunches, afternoon teas, conference materials including handbook and the ‘Welcome’ networking cocktail function.

I hope to meet you in May.

Knd regards

Angrela Green
Association Secretariat
The Association for Sustainability in Business Inc
Phone: (61 7) 5502 2068 | Fax: (61 7) 5527 3298

” Sustainability is the single biggest business opportunity of the 21st century.” – Will Day, chairman of the UK’s Sustainable Development Commission

Key questions we need answers for to find the upsides of any downturn

by Ian Berry © All rights reserved

Key questions we need answers for to find the upsides of any downturn is my second newsletter article for this month.
If you are a subscriber to my fortnightly changing what’s normal newsletter then please ignore this post.

There are 95 questions in this article. Possibly not all will be applicable to you.
Your answers to the questions that are applicable, and how you act on your answers, may well determine your future, and that of your children, and their children.

You can read the full article by clicking on the title of the article here.
There is a link in the article to the PDF version so that you can keep the questions handy.

Business leads recoveries not governments. More business leaders need to stand up and be counted so that we can put governments back in their place.
Political leadership is an oxymoron.

“Washington’s bogged down in games of brinksmanship instead of practicing the art of leadership. Hell-bent on running each other into the ground — instead of running the nation — America’s so-called leaders are sending us into what wonks are calling a “policy-induced recession”  so said Umair Haque in a great article Is America Giving Up on the Future? You can read his full article here.

And it is not just America. I am embarrassed everyday by the lack of civility of Australian politicians and their inability to collaborate.  And as for the G20, well give me a break. The economy is supposed to be part of society. Not the other way round.

There is nothing status quo about real leadership. Real leadership is ever-evolving. Go first. Break the shackles. Learn from the corporate and political leaders (so-called) who are living in the dark ages and be a shining light for others. I trust answering my 95 questions will help you. Here is the link again.

If not you, then who?

Be the difference you want to see in the world

Author of Changing What’s Normal
Since 1991 Ian has partnered with people passionate about change who want to break free from the status quo and accelerate turning possibility into reality.

Ian will be a keynote speaker at the  “Taking Care of Business: Sustainable Transformation” Conference – 21st and 22nd May 2012 at the Radisson Resort, Gold Coast.