The Association for Sustainability in Business - our ambition is to develop a vision of designing and planning Urban, Regional and Remote Australia while being aware of one planet living, one world resources and ongoing community and business sustainability.

Through on-going discussion and knowledge sharing we hope to contribute to a vision of how cities and communities operate when considering issues such as environment, governance, health, liveabilty, design, resource and food security. We will also examine the role business can play in the "People, Planet, Profit" paradigm.

We promote continuing professional development through conferences and seminars, the publication of Proceedings and Journals, and the ongoing development of an on-line podcast resource.  The Associaton is also active on all social media platforms.

Membership of The Association does not attract fees or charges and presently consists of the following communities;

  • Liveable Cities - Built Environment - Healthy Cities
  • Waste Management - Recycling
  • Natural Resources - Renewable Energy
  • Population Growth - Food Production
  • Regional Development


Australian Regional Development Conference


With the current COVID-19 outbreak and the media sensationalising the situation, we wanted to reach out and reassure you that all our conferences will continue to go ahead as planned. The Association of Sustainability in Business Inc. has been working very hard and taken all necessary precautions to ensure you will be provided with a safe and protected environment at every event.

Our conferences are national with only 150 - 500 attendees. We also have a 100% refund policy, should any of our conferences be forced to cancel due to government strictures, so rest assured that every aspect of the situation has been covered. We also ask that if you are registered to attend any of our events, and have travelled overseas lately, please contact us on (07) 5502 2068 to discuss a plan on how to proceed with your registration. We have other options for you including eRegistrations and livestreaming from our conferences.

We are following advice from the World Health Organization (WHO), Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and the Commonwealth Department of Health. Our team have been working around the clock to ensure this year’s events create significant value for every attendee in a safe environment.

What We Can Do For You

Member Discounts

Members receive discounted conference rates to Making Cities Liveable, Disaster and Emergency Management, Regional Development, Urban Design and Sustainable Transformation Conferences.



The Association for Sustainability in Business Inc. e-news is sent out regularly with updates concerning the community services sector and items of interest to community work practitioners.


Supporters of the Association and our Affiliated Events