The Digital Transformation of the Australian and Global Economies

The National Sustainability in Business Conference will be held in Brisbane from the 23-24 March 2017. Mr Lee  Stewart, Head of Sustainability at Oceania Fujitsu Australia Limited joins us this month to discuss The Digital Transformation of the Australian and Global Economies’.

Mr Lee Stewart

The digital transformation of the Australian and global economies continues at a rapid pace. It is the greatest force offering genuine innovation in the way that people work and live.

As more people become more connected, we are witnessing, technology as a low carbon enabler of low-carbon growth. It is reducing travel, energy consumption and resource use while, for individuals, opening up easier access to a range of products and services.

2017 Conference Topics Include:

  • Renewable Energy Systems and Sources – Biofuel, Biomass, Hydrogen & Fuel Cells, Hydropower, Solar Energy, Geothermal Energy, Wave Energy, Tidal energy, Energy Storage and Wind Power. This can also include energy transformation from renewable energy system to grid.
  • Think Local First – development of the local economy and community, urban agriculture, Buy Local.
  • Innovative Business Opportunities – Incubators, Start Ups, Venture Capital / Entrepreneurs.
  • The Energy Market – Regulators, Wholesale and Supply Chain, Retailers, Consumer Demand, Carbon trading, Emissions.
  • Trends, Policies and Strategies – current and emerging trends, technologies, research, government policies and industry initiatives within the environmental and sustainability sector
  • Financial Impact – social and environmental risk, industry development, operational and managerial impact, market risk and opportunity, stakeholder issues
  • Innovation – energy transition, application and feasibility, social and economic change, research & development opportunities

Click here to download the conference program.

For more information on the 2017 National Sustainability in Business Conference and to secure your spot today, please visit the conference website.