Now it is real – Clean Energy Future legislation

by Freddy Sharpe CEO, Climate Friendly November 16, 2011 Now it is real. Early in the afternoon on Tuesday 8 November, 2011, the Australian Senate passed the Clean Energy Future legislation.  For the first time in its history, Australia now has a legislated price on carbon. Congratulations to the Prime Minister and her colleagues, particularly the members of the Multi Party Committee on Climate Change, for designing and shepherding this remarkably good legislation through Parliament, in the face of increasingly hysterical political opposition.  This shows the power of minority government to deliver robust policy.  And there is no prospect of …

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LEDs Safety

By Tracey Rodwell When I started investigating LEDs I was surprised to find that many on the market do not appear to meet Australian Standards. Generally, consumers rely on the seller to provide safe products, but some importers are either oblivious to their legal obligations or do not want to spend money to test these products for safety. Their tends to be an overreliance on CE & RoHS Certificates (European and American), but this does not mean that they are safe and legal for sale and use in Australia. When I recently tested my T8 tubes for Australian Standards – …

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The Future of Sustainability (continued)

By Matthew Weller – Sustainability Advisor, MJC Sustainability – [email protected] and In the last blog post, we had a detailed look at three of the six key components of the fresh approach to sustainability given by Dr Matthew Tueth (PhD) from Aquinas College.  If you missed the last blog, make sure you read it over here.  As a worldwide business community part of the responsibility to ensure the future of our operating environments lies with us, and through a refreshed attempt at sustainability we can be well on the way to making some great changes.  In this article we …

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The Future of Sustainability

By Matthew Weller – Sustainability Advisor, MJC Sustainability [email protected] With 2011 we have seen numerous natural disasters and world conflicts, coupled with political stalemate around climate change and the appropriate actions, where does the future of sustainability lie?  Will the distraction of politics and the waiting for direction cause the push for world sustainability to stall and fall?  Or will a strong collective world and corporate community take community action and change the face of sustainability as it is today?  It is impossible to predict, but one thing is for certain, how we view sustainability within our homes, communities …

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Sustainable Office: Build New or Renovate?

  By John Cameron Director – John Cameron Architects Pty Ltd Question: Is it more sustainable for a company to build a brand new but eco-friendly office building, or to purchase an existing but not so eco-friendly property? My Answer: This is an apparently simple question that unfortunately requires a complex answer. Same deal for most of the questions being asked in the sustainability space. Unfortunately there are very few simple answers, but there are some simple principles, such as: Thoroughly explore all options by taking an holistic view (breaking down the thought silos and compartmentalisation that tends to solve …

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Climate Friendly launches Mainstreaming Green: by business, for business

By Alex Arnaudon There has been a lot of talk about the carbon price lately but what does that actually mean for Australian SMEs? The green wave is here but not enough businesses understand, nor are equipped, to take full advantage of it.  Clearly, businesses that are ahead of the curve will profit the most from the green revolution. Climate Friendly CEO Freddy Sharpe says; “Alarmingly only 12% of businesses currently have any form of sustainability reporting. That means there is a real opportunity to stand out from competitors and differentiate.” Mainstreaming Green: by business, for business, is a Climate …

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Key questions we need answers for to find the upsides of any downturn

by Ian Berry © All rights reserved Key questions we need answers for to find the upsides of any downturn is my second newsletter article for this month. If you are a subscriber to my fortnightly changing what’s normal newsletter then please ignore this post. There are 95 questions in this article. Possibly not all will be applicable to you. Your answers to the questions that are applicable, and how you act on your answers, may well determine your future, and that of your children, and their children. You can read the full article by clicking on the title of …

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The Challenge of Sustainability

This is a very good article written by Gael O’Brien in “The Week in Ethics” Sustainability as a global movement has for more than 20 years had an aura of ambiguity, meaning different things to different companies – from PR strategies, to building trust and reputation, to marketing strategies, to being a core business strategy, to inspiring a vision that redefines a company. It has operated both like an umbrella, crowding under it many issues — including environmental, social, and economic — as well as a buffet from which companies, communities, and governments could address that which most directly impacted …

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Sustainability that Pays

The social and environmental benefits of sustainable procurement are clear, but it should not be assumed this always comes at a higher price – indeed the opposite can be true, finds Adam Leach When Prince Charles launched his Accounting For Sustainability project, he highlighted the need for “better accounting” in the pursuit of increasing sustainability in the business world. The International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC), which is part of HRH’s project, last month called for sustainability and financial reporting from companies to be more closely linked. It argued “globalisation and resulting interdependencies in economies and supply chains” has left reporting …

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Sustainability Drives Competitive Advantage in Food Industry Supply Chain · Environmental Management & Energy News · Environmental Leader

Parents – mainly mothers – determine most household food purchases. Questions race through their minds as they navigate the labyrinth of products, packaging and prices. Is this healthy for my family? Will my family like this? How much time will it take to prepare? Can I afford it? How will it impact the future of my children, my family, my planet? The food industry supply chain wrestles with a similarly lengthy list of concerns when gauging the value shoppers place on the answers to those questions… more Sustainability Drives Competitive Advantage in Food Industry Supply Chain · Environmental Management & …

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