The 2018 National Sustainability in Business Conference will be held at the Hotel Grand Chancellor, Brisbane over Thursday 8 and Friday 9 March.
Emma Herd is the Chief Executive Officer at the Investor Group on Climate Change and joins us next month at the Conference as a Keynote Speaker to discuss ‘The Investor Perspective on Climate Change’.

Emma Herd
Investors have a critical role to play in managing the financial risks of climate change and driving investment into low carbon solutions. In the two years since the Paris Agreement was finalised, global investors have stepped up their efforts to address climate change, through corporate engagement, investment decision making and financial disclosure. Hear form the Investor Group on Climate Change on the latest in investor policy and practice as the community wakes up to the economic impacts of climate change.
Emma Herd has been Chief Executive Officer at the Investor Group on Climate Change since August 2015. Emma has worked in climate change, sustainability, public policy and finance for almost twenty years.
Prior to IGCC, Emma spent 15 years at Westpac Banking Corporation where she worked at the vanguard of climate change and finance. She held a range of roles across carbon finance and emissions trading, ESG Risk assessment, public policy and advocacy, sustainability strategy development and corporate affairs across Westpac Institutional Bank and Westpac Banking Corporation. She started her career working in Parliamentary Committees (Senate and House of Representatives) in Parliament House, Canberra.
Emma is a Non-Executive Director of the Carbon Market Institute and a member of the Queensland Climate Change Advisory Council. She holds a Bachelor of Asian Studies (Thai) Hons.
Click here to download the conference program.
Visit the 2018 National Sustainability in Business Conference website for further information and to register today!