Expressed emotion and the hospital environment

Expressed emotion and the hospital environment: An update on consumer perceptions of mental health environments Consumer perceptions of safety within mental health treatment environments was found to be a significant determinant of therapeutic engagement as outlined in Expressed emotion and the hospital environment.  Consumer perceptions of built environments were further examined through qualitative analysis in conjunction with an examination of existing built therapeutic environments. The information attained was used to develop a series of design recommendations for architects/designers to utilise when designing therapy and counselling spaces. Despite the literature affirming links between good design practice and mental well-being , existing …

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Step outside for a moment: the value of pedestrians in healthcare precincts

Michaela Sheahan, Researcher, HASSELL Bump space, serendipitous encounters: whatever the label, the name of the game in healthcare design is connecting people. But the focus on internal collaboration has some unintended side effects: buildings get bigger, and people spend more time inside. External space is shrinking as large clinical and research buildings bring teams closer together via soaring atria, internal streets, and sky-bridges. Good connections are vital to a well-functioning hospital, but as public realm diminishes, so does walkability and street activity. Nothing kills a precinct quite like a deserted street. My research shows that as these precincts grow, two …

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3D modelling for communicating urban revitalisation

Two years have now passed since City of Launceston finished constructing and began working with the 3D virtual model of Launceston running in Urban Engine software.  The final product has lived up to expectations as a tool for communicating urban revitalisation and more.  Since that time the model has grown in detail with the addition of Aero3DPro building model data, street scape design concepts, building proposals, future development buildings and massing models. Beyond the initial scope of supporting the Launceston City Heart project, the model has proven to be a practical tool for evaluating designs during planning meetings, allowing exploration …

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Land of opportunity – accommodating population and social diversity from the ashes of manufacturing

Preston is a typical Melbourne working class suburb characterised by industrial properties along key routes with surrounding ¼ acre worker housing. The recent decline in Australian manufacturing has resulted in many sites becoming vacant and jobs going out of these areas.  In many cases these vacated sites are large enough to accommodate significant residential, commercial and civic infrastructure and therefore generate local employment. They also present a great opportunity for exemplary urban design outcomes due to the sheer scale. Oakover Square is such a property.  This proposal is an example of industrial land being successfully knitted back into its suburban …

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